Integration of Instruction & Technology

Included in this section are examples of student work from when I was a computer teacher, examples of teacher created materials for their students or as examples for their students, and student work outside of the computer lab.


Student Work--Computer Lab

  • My Family PowerPoint--to introduce students to PowerPoint, I had them do a presentation about something they knew a lot about already.
  • White-Whiskered Spider Monkey PowerPoint--this was a basic research project done by sixth grade students.
  • Olympic Project--This research project centered around the Olympics. Students had to pick a country, a sport, and an athlete from their country who participated in that sport and create a web site.
  • Flash movies--movies that my 8th grade students created using Macromedia Flash: UFO, Spurs, CD-RW Commercial

Teacher Work

  • Saving files--the ever-important steps for student to save their files to their home directory. This is the first thing students are taught to do.
  • Formatting Worksheet--This worksheet was used by me to teach student the basics of text formatting using Microsoft Word.
  • Favorite Soup Graph--this was created by a first grade teacher to demonstrate to her students how to do make a graph using the computer.
  • Twelve-step writing process--this was created by a third grade teacher to present the steps of the writing process to her students.

Student Work--Classroom

  • Flower Template--this was a Kid Pix template used by the first grade classes to indentify the parts of a flower. The students had to cut out each word and put it in the correct spot on the flower.
  • Science Fair--students in eighth grade at Lindop participate in a science fair every year. Many of the student do PowerPoint presentations to present their research.